Saturday, September 27, 2008

Every picture tells a story...

Greetings from Montreal.

It's one of our many days off, so I figured I would write in this thing briefly. We've spent the past 2 days in Montreal. The first day was fun. Bryan, Jorma, Matt and I went to Foufs and met up with Michelle and Amy. Those girls are a blast. We laughed alot, had some beers, and enjoyed late-night pizza and poutine.

Last night we played Metropolis. It was a weird show. We didn't do well in merch, and the girl working for the venue was an annoying piece of gutter trash. I almost flipped out on her when she insulted me at the end of the night. I like Montreal, but some of the people here really know how to push your buttons.

Tonight we'll be going back out with the twins. I'm excited to see more of this city and have a good night out.

But on to the real reason for this update. I took some candid photos of the band sound checking in Toronto and figured I would share them. Not the most spectacular photos, but it's something different than my usual rambling. So now, for your visual enjoyment:













Monday, September 22, 2008

Still I look to find a reason to believe...

It's been a little while, hasn't it?

I'm on the road again. I'm very thankful to be here as well. If I had to sit in New Jersey for another 2 months I may have lost my mind.

I'm currently working for The Bronx. We're doing a full Canadian tour with Bad Religion. I have to say that these dudes are a great bunch. We get along smashingly, and they appreciate my hard work and dedication. Oh, and they truly know how to party. Everyone on this tour rules hard.

However, Canada is kind of a bum-out. We've had merch stolen 2 nights in a row. The people are seriously mentally deficient. The food doesn't taste right. There's rarely something fun to do. And did I forget to mention that the people suck? Because they do. I don't know what I hate more - the south, or Canada.

After Canada, I'll be doing some more touring with The Bronx (a week in October, and all of November with ETID). It's nice to have job security. I've been told that I'll be busy for a long time. That really makes me feel like I'm doing something right. I'm excited to share many more adventures with this band.

And even though I feel like I'm doing something right, I still can't help but wonder what I'm doing with my life. Don't get me wrong, I love my job. And I love touring. But it does get a bit lonely. I wonder when I'm going to settle down and stop wandering. I wonder when I'll be able to pay my student loans. I wonder when I'll meet someone to grow old with and make a few little me's and her's. I'll tell you one thing that I've learned in the last few months: life throws curve balls with ferocious heat, non-stop. Some good, some bad - but all there, all the time.

I've been listening to the new Kings Of Leon record on repeat lately. It's pretty amazing. Usually I don't feel the need to ramble like this, but that album has really spoken to me since I've been on the road with this tour. Pick it up. It might reel you in.

I'd also like to address a somewhat serious but not serious matter that has bugged me just a tad bit. I'm sure by now everyone has heard about the plane crash involving Travis Barker. Before I rant briefly, let me preface it by saying that I don't like any of his current music, did not enjoy and was majorly bummed out and annoyed by his reality TV show. I've never met the man or even been in the same room as him. However, I think it is absolutely rude and terrible that people who I know and call friends think that it might be funny to post bulletins on the internet wishing bad things upon him while being in the hospital, or just saying things that are plain disrespectful. The man is laying in a hospital bed in critical condition. Critical = not good. He is a father. He is someone's son. He is a fellow musician. I know we all have childish humor, and I am guilty of it sometimes as well. But seriously. Let's be adults for once. Let's try to grow up.

On a completely different note, I still think I'll be moving to California in January. My future roommate will be apartment hunting while I wander the Earth like Kane from Kung Fu (except I make money while doing it). Hopefully she finds something sweet. I'm excited to surf and eat breakfast burritos while I'm not touring. If this doesn't pan out, then maybe I'll just move to Beverly, MA. Who knows.

I'll stop rambling. I need to start prepping for the post show turd-rush at the merch table.

We have an 18 hour drive to Toronto tonight. Plenty more time to ponder useless nonsense and over-analyze my life.

I'm too young to feel this old.